The first week of school has come and gone. Things are so different when it's not your first year. I really like that. I'm not having to learn all over again like I had the previous two years. Tomorrow I finally get to start seeing some kids!!! Yay for me!! As I special education teacher, I have been helping out with lunch duty. You can't imagine how much help those sweet little kindergarteners need. I have also been getting paperwork out to the classroom teachers and working on my scheduling, which is going to be a little tricky. Right now I have 29 kids on my caseload. I'm really only supposed to have 25, but will do the best I can until I get some help.
We've had an unexpected blessing in that hubby has already subbed 3 1/2 days. The first three days of school he worked with kindergarten so the teachers could screen the kids and get them divided into classes. He enjoyed it, but came home pretty tired. Hopefully, he will be able to stay busy subbing while going to school this year and not get too overwhelmed.
I have also started both of my graduate classes. One is Special Ed. Law and it is completely online. I can work at my own pace, so I want to get it finished as soon as possible. Finishing by the end of October would be really nice. My other class is Leadership Ehtics and meets in person sometimes and online other times. I think I'll enjoy it. It is going to force me to do some deep thinking, if that's possible!
The weather has finally cooled down massively, which was much needed. We are in the 80's instead of being close to 100. This cooler weather is giving me the football itch.
The 2024 Arkansas State Fair Food Guide.
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