I am going to try to start doing weekly posts about the pregnancy so I can have a record of it to look back on since I'm sure I won't remember all these details later.

How far along? 14 weeks this past Monday
Baby's size? About 3 1/2 inches, which is about the size of a lemon. He or she weighs about 1 1/2 ounces.
Gender? We don't know yet. We will have our ultrasound at 20 weeks, but aren't gong to find out until our gender reveal party.
Names: Max Alexander if it's a boy and Anna Grace if it's a girl.
Maternity clothes? I haven't really gained any weight, but I bought my first pair of maternity jeans this past weekend. My other jeans still fit, but put a little pressure on my stomach/waist that just wasn't comfortable. I am still able to wear all my other clothes.
Stretch marks? Not yet and I am definitely not looking forward to getting any.
Movement? Not yet, but I can't wait until I can feel the baby kicking!
Sleep? For the most part I am still sleeping really good. I only have to get up to go to the bathroom occasionally. I love my Boppy Prenatal Total Body Pillow. It really makes me a lot more comfortable at night. I have noticed that I change positions when I sleep a lot more than I used to.
Food Aversions? I found out this past week that our baby does not like Taco Bell at all. Also, I don't think it is a big fan of McDonald's chicken nuggets.
Food Cravings? This week I really craved Mexican food. Taco Bell didn't work out, but we went to a more authentic place and my craving was temporarily satisfied. My appetite has gone down the past several weeks. I am hungry more often, but it doesn't take much to fill me up.
Best moment of the past week? It has been so fun to tell everyone. We just put the announcement on Facebook last week after showing it to everyone that we could in person. We also had a lot of fun starting our registry at Target. My mom came for a visit and got to go to Target with us.
Miss anything? Now that I'm pregnant I miss living closer to family. I'm a lot more sentimental now, that's for sure.
Have you started to show? Not really.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? I haven't started swelling yet so thankfully I can still wear them. I am hoping I will be able to wear them for quite a while longer.
Happy or moody most of the time? I have been really happy most of the time. Every once in a while I start feeling overwhelmed and become more snappy than I need to be. The pregnancy has brought a lot of excitement and joy to our family so I want to focus on that.
What are you looking forward to? We go back to the doctor next Monday. I look forward to getting the reassurance that everything is good with our tiny blessing.
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