Saturday, March 6, 2010

Drill Guilt?

Well, this is Mike's Drill weekend again.  Yesterday afternoon as he was driving to Little Rock, I drove to meet my mom at Mt. Nebo.  It is so beautiful and peaceful here.  We grilled hamburgers, went on a couple of hikes, and just relaxed.  In total, we probably walked about 3-4 miles.  I'm so not in good enough shape to do that, but my goal is to get that way.  I brought Mike's fancy camera along, so I'll post some pics once he can help me get them on the computer.  I guess I should have paid better attention when he was trying to show me how to use the camera.  Note to self:  learn how to use camera before Mike leaves for OCS again!  Anyway, I kind of feel bad for getting to come and relax while Mike is gone and working the whole weekend.  I know there isn't really anything I can do about it, but I wish he was here with us.  He spent his day on a 5 mile march, classes, and who knows what other training.  He has been up since 4:45 and I have for the most part of the day, been lazy.  Mom and I planned this trip when we thought Mike would still be gone for OCS.  It would be a way to help me get my mind of missing him.  But, I still miss him.  He's glad I came and can't wait to see the pictures, but I can't help feeling a little bad.  Does anyone else feel a little guilty when they have time off and their loved one still has to work?


  1. Yep! My husband works an insane amount of hours and sometimes it's really crazy late when he gets home and I've been asleep for hours at that point - makes me feel bad. But, like you said, you can't do a thing about it!

  2. I have a (not so) easy solution: have kids. Then the drill guilt will be his ;) DH is on drill right now and no matter how much heavy artillery he is shooting off, I am sure it is more relaxing then two kids simultaneously throwing epic tantrums.
