I "heart" friends. Just got home from getting a pedicure with one of my teacher friends. It's a blessing having someone to talk to and share you frustrations with that really understands the situation.
I "heart" God who has blessed me in so many ways and continually answers prayers that help resolve difficult situations. I had another prayer answered today about how to deal with an extremely difficult student. This also means that Mike doesn't have to be a personal aide for said difficult student. I'm sure this is a very happy day for Mike, too. His stress level has been reduced greatly! :)
I "heart" the fact that it is almost the weekend. I'm looking forward to some mother/daughter bonding time with my mom in Branson this weekend.
I "heart" that there is only 3 more weeks of my graduate classes and that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I "heart" my students and that they put forth their best effort on the Benchmark test this week.